Via Soncin Rotto 4 25122 Brescia BS Italia

Tel: 030 291583
Fax: 030 45248



Studio Berlucchi S.r.l. is an engineering firm based in Brescia and established in 1920.
The mission of the firm is the consultancy in the field of engineering, architecture and restoration. The partners of the company are qualified architects, engineers and restorers that work in team to solve all the possible problems concerning architectural and monumental restoration and combining all the necessary capabilities under every point of view.
The company includes several qualified professionals, registered in their specific boards, and is active on the national territory and wide abroad with more than 300 accomplished restoration projects in the last 20 years.
The company is qualified in the following professional fields:
– Architectural design and feasibility studies
– Structural design a seismic strengthening
– Work supervision
– Diagnostics
– Restoration of monumental surfaces
– Cost estimation and work accounting
– Fire safety design
– Companies consultancy
The partners of the company are Eng. Roberto and Nicola Berlucchi, father and son, and Eng. Nicola Fumagalli. Eng. Nicola Berlucchi, and Eng. Nicola Fumagalli are even Technical Directors, supported by Arch. Samuele Ferlicca, Techinical Director as well.
In addition, the team is completed by 9 full time members (four engineers, three architects and two administrative employees), and several other part-time collaborators.