Via Righi 6 30175 Marghera VE Italia

Tel: 041 2581911
Fax: 041 5328217



Soon after it was established in 1920, SACAIM started to excel in what was meant to become its core business: conservative restoration. Over the last decades, the company has commit ted to restore to their original splendour the most prestigious buildings in Venice and some of the most important monuments in Italy. Great care has also been given to projects in other sectors, including maritime works, irrigation works and aqueducts, as well as civil construction and infrastructures.
ISO 14001/UNI EN ISO 14001:2004
ISO 9001:2008
OHSAS 18001:2007
SOA Certifications:
Certificato | Classe | Aggiornato al |
OG 1 Edifici civili e industriali | VIII oltre euro 15.494.000 | 26/10/2016 |
OS 34 Sistemi antirumore per infrastrutture di mobilità | V fino a euro 5.165.000 | 26/10/2016 |
OS 2-A Superfici decorate di beni immobili del patrimonio culturale e beni culturali mobili di interesse storico, artistico, archeologico ed etnoantropologico | V fino a euro 5.165.000 | 26/10/2016 |