Riva is an historical company that works in the preserving restoration of properties subjected to protection of the Superintendent Fine Arts all over the national territory.
We use the same scientific approach with modern buildings to obtain a temporal conservation up to three times more compared to a generic construction approach.
As each building, palace, house, monument has different characteristics according to the type of construction and territorial framework, it requires targeted measures.
Furthermore we pay specific attention to writing the maintenance booklet of the property that we provide the client at the end of work.
We take care of Teatro alla Scala of Milan from decades, as well as other countless historic buildings.
Restauration is above all a cultural activity, that implies knowledge and research, respecting the origin and the history of the property. We do not overlook even the tiniest detail, allowing the conservation not only of the material value of the assets but also of their symbolic and “intangible” traits.
It is a long and painstaking work. It begins by realizing that the “layers of time” can hide something precious, a testimony that can not be lost.
The achievement we aspire to is the awareness of having recovered a heritage, otherwise irretrievably lost, with its values.
Let’s give our children the thought of a past converted into matter.
Creations of burning artists of the past, restored and conserved by Riva to relight the fire of passion, that are still to be lived …today … tomorrow.

SOA Certifications:

Certificato Classe Aggiornato al
OS 2-A Superfici decorate di beni immobili del patrimonio culturale e beni culturali mobili di interesse storico, artistico, archeologico ed etnoantropologico II fino a euro 516.000 16/10/2018

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