Via Marradi 38 59100 Prato PO Italia

Tel: 0574 470464
Fax: 0574 471021



The Piacenti S.p.a. carry out planning and execution activity in the field of cultural heritage restoration and conservation. Born in 1875 from a workshop, in the course of time, the firm has been developed in a well- structured organization which joins the technical inheritance of the craft traditions with the most advanced scientific research and holds big public and private contracts for restoration works, developing specific solution for each circumstance. To guarantee the control in each logistical and productive phase, even under the technical perspectives than managerial efficiency, every single work is planned by a team formed by restorers of different sectors, architects, engineers and chemical experts. By these tasks the firm has developed his own Know-how of excellence in the field of restoration and conservation of important monuments with aesthetic, functional and structural diseases, working on stuccoes, wall paintings, wooden and polychrome artefacts, stone surfaces, paints on wood, canvas, copper, slate andarchaeological finds even made of soaked wood. Professional development is the result of innovative technical procedures applied on different materials and by collaborations with leading research institutes and international trade. The firm, equipped with specialized workshops and internal diagnostics services, works all over the national territory and undertakes educational experiences and carry out projects of international scientific interests on big monumental buildings and pieces, working in other countries as Holy Land, Cina, Turkish, Cuba, Moldova and Russia where has established enterprises.
ISO 9001- 2008
SOA Certifications:
Certificato | Classe |
OG 2 Restauro e manutenzione dei beni immobili sottoposti a tutela | III bis fino a euro 1.500.000 |
OS 2-A Superfici decorate di beni immobili del patrimonio culturale e beni culturali mobili di interesse storico, artistico, archeologico ed etnoantropologico | V fino a euro 5.165.000 |