Via Giuseppe Verdi, 18 80133 Napoli NA Italia

Tel: 081 5422036
Fax: 081 5422036



For many years, Minerva Restauri srl has been involved in the architectural and archaeological restoration of cultural heritage, working on assets of great historical-artistic value. Experience, research, and experimentation have allowed the company to develop professional recognition and technical expertise in the field of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of historically consolidated structures.
From the Royal Palace of Naples to the restoration and recovery of the Pompeii Domus, from the restoration of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni facades in Rome to the restructuring, modernization and redevelopment of the Archaeological Museum of Paestum, and again the conservation interventions at the Colosseum and the Palatine Forum in Rome, the architectural artifacts of the Giardini di Ninfa in Latina, the ongoing recovery and re-functionalization of the former Bourbon prison on the island of Santo Stefano-Ventotene and the safety works, diagnostic-cognitive investigations, executive planning and execution structural works relating to the Tempio della Scorziata, as part of the Historic Center of Naples enhancement as the UNESCO site.
The company maintains a constantly high level of its offer and operational capacity, putting into practice the specific needs of the client, through the daily and operational comparison of problems concerning the recovery, protection and enhancement of cultural heritage.
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
UNI EN ISO 14001-2015
UNI EN ISO 45001-2018
SA 8000-2014
SOA Certifications:
Certificato | Classe | Aggiornato al |
OG 2 Restauro e manutenzione dei beni immobili sottoposti a tutela | VI fino a euro 10.329.000 | 20/10/2022 |
OG 1 Edifici civili e industriali | I fino a euro 258.000 | 20/10/2022 |