The MARMIROLI Srl, performs for 40 years and structural conservative restoration of artistic goods: Painted murals; Paraments marble, putty and brick; Old plaster; Painted and golden wooden artefacts It is certified SOA category OS2-A class. IV and category OG2 class. III and UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 Collaborates with a highly specialized staff, with structures of excellence in the areas of diagnostics, with an engineering study with particular experience in the field of structural restoration.


ISO 9001:2008

SOA Certifications:

Certificato Classe Aggiornato al
OG 2 Restauro e manutenzione dei beni immobili sottoposti a tutela III bis fino a euro 1.500.000 21/04/2015
OS 2-A Superfici decorate di beni immobili del patrimonio culturale e beni culturali mobili di interesse storico, artistico, archeologico ed etnoantropologico IV bis fino a euro 3.500.000 21/04/2015

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