The Company Violi has long been very active in the field of conservative restoration. Our work is performed in collaboration and under the supervision of the Superintendence. Our experience, the organizational structure and our equipment allows us to provide the public and private companies a complete service from technical advice to the execution of works on the whole national territory. We realized many types of work from the construction of large areas such as civil and monumental surface like facades, bridges, floors, ceilings, until get to the more complex ones such as the restoration of friezes, statues, fountains, squares, colonnades, churches, castles and monasteries. We have equipment that enable us to solve any problem through the use of innovative technologies for cleaning, conservation and ecological restoration.


ENI EN ISO 9001:2008 ENI EN ISO 14001:2004

SOA Certifications:

Certificato Classe
OG 1 Edifici civili e industriali III fino a euro 1.033.000
OG 2 Restauro e manutenzione dei beni immobili sottoposti a tutela IV bis fino a euro 3.500.000
OG 11 Impianti tecnologici I fino a euro 258.000
OS 2-A Superfici decorate di beni immobili del patrimonio culturale e beni culturali mobili di interesse storico, artistico, archeologico ed etnoantropologico V fino a euro 2.582.000
OS 6 Finiture di opere generali in materiali lignei, plastici, metallici e vetrosi I fino a euro 258.000

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