Piazza della Repubblica,30 20124 Milano MI Italia

Tel: 02910991



Since 1999, Fratelli Navarra has been a well established and reputable company operating in the fields of monument restoration and architecture/artwork preventive and planned preservation. Over the years the Fratelli Navarra has successfully carried out a vast range of conservation and restoration work, unique in terms of the techniques implemented, the surrounding landscapes involved and the purpose allocated to the building following its restoration. For example Villa Scheibler in Milano; Hotel de Russie, Palazzo Kock, Palazzo del Clementino (Piazza Esedra) and Palazzo di Propaganda Fide in Roma; Manifattura delle Arti DAMS in Bologna; Stazione di Porta Nuova in Torino; Palazzo Ducale in Genova; Real Albergo de’ Poveri in Napoli; and numerous examples of conservation work in L’Aquila.