Structural strengthening buildings with innovative systems and well-advanced technology. Long special drilling. Installation of anchors and heavy duty anchors for masonry reinforcement. Seismic retrofitting of buildings and structural improvement and adaptation. Installation of FRP. Controlled demolitions with diamonds tools; special drilling and reinforced concrete cutting. Renovation of damp walls with barriers and construction chemicals. micro blasting ecological cleaning of marble, granite, stone, masonry face brick, wood, iron. Bossong certified installer for anchoring systems injected into historic masonry. OG2 – OS21 – OS23.


ISO 9001:2015

SOA Certifications:

Certificato Classe Aggiornato al
OG 2 Restauro e manutenzione dei beni immobili sottoposti a tutela II fino a euro 516.000 04/08/2022
OG 1 Edifici civili e industriali III bis fino a euro 1.500.000 04/08/2022

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