Architectural heritage restoration and consolidation for Structural Safety S.r.l

Consolidation of the historical heritage. AhRCOS is a leading firm involved in conservative restauration and consolidation of civil and historic structures. Using the most advanced technologies, operating with multiple and patented systems, and recognising that, among its own values, the art of antique taste together with advanced knowledge of instruments and consolidation technology, AhRCOS makes restauration a key part of its own professional DNA. AhRCOS has at its disposal a strong team that is in charge of Research and Development in cooperation with various Italian universities. Our knowledge of traditional techniques, together with committed research and experimentation of more developed intervention methods, allows us to work while fully respecting the nature and preservation of structures, and remaining conscious of the responsibility and commitment we devote to our work.


ISO 9001:2008 Italiana ed Inglese

SOA Certifications:

Certificato Classe
OG 1 Edifici civili e industriali IV bis fino a euro 3.500.000
OG 2 Restauro e manutenzione dei beni immobili sottoposti a tutela IV bis fino a euro 3.500.000
OG 3 Strade, autostrade, ponti, viadotti, ferrovie, metropolitane I fino a euro 258.000
OG 7 Opere marittime e lavori di dragaggio I fino a euro 258.000
OS 21 Opere strutturali speciali III fino a euro 1.033.000

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